
The American Legion at work in Washington and around New Jersey on issues of importance.

About the National Legislative Division

The Legislative Division of The American Legion National Organization accomplishes the mission of The American Legion by providing the following services:

  • Lobbying all Members of Congress and their professional staff to accomplish the goals of The American Legion’s Legislative Agenda;
  • Management, constant communication and education, and active engagement of the Legislative Council of The American Legion;
  • Liaising with the Chairman of the Legislative Commission, and its Convention Committee;
  • Liaising with the other divisions and commissions of The American Legion;
  • Partnerships with the Marketing, Media, and Communications Commission and Division to ensure broad dissemination of The American Legion Legislative Agenda; 
  • Program education and training development opportunities;
  • Supplying and disseminating program information, materials, and resources; and
  • Advocacy for The American Legion and its programs at local, department, and national levels to include Legislative training at Department events as required.

picture of hand on bible with other hand on gavel

About the Department Legislative Committee

The Committee shall study all resolutions submitted [to The Executive Committee] in connection with proposed legislation [or changes to existing legislation] by [either the] Federal [or] State Legislatures, [as well as Department policy changes.] [The Committee] shall [consult with State Legislators] to have [Introduced,] legislation and amendments to existing legislation\, [proposed or supported,] by The Executive Committee [to ensure enactment.] It shall carefully scrutinize all bills introduced in the Legislature, from all sources, affecting veterans or their families, reporting thereon to The Executive Committee. [The Committee, whenever possible,] when the Legislation is in session, have a representative present to protect the interests of [veterans, their families and] The American Legion.

This committee shall also consult with the various Department Committees on all matters of proposed State Legislation affecting any duties or policies of said Department Committees [and to coordinate any changes to comply with the new policies or legislation.]

This committee is charged with the responsibility of maintaining the present Federal and State Tax Exemption now enjoyed by Veterans and Nationally Chartered Veterans Organizations.

Questions or comments contact Joseph Gugliuzza j.gugliuzza@njamericanlegion.org

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