Tuckahoe, NJ - The American Legion Aaron Wittkamp Colwell Tuckahoe Post 239 announced
The young men who will represent the Post at this year’s American Legion Jersey Boys State.
In June, the Post’s delegates will join nearly one thousand other young men from around the State of New Jersey at Rider University in Lawrenceville, New Jersey. According to Post 239’s Commander, Bill Archer, the Post is sponsoring three young men from Ocean City High School.
The Post’s delegates are Connor Berich, Phineas Costal and Tucker Henley.
Bill Archer, Post 239’s Commander and Boys State Committee Chairman stated, “this has been a very successful fundraising season that is allowing us the ability to send these three young men to Jersey Boys State in addition to our other programs to help our young people in our local community.” We are grateful for a very supportive community to make this happen yearly.
Held annually, American Legion Jersey Boys State is a weeklong leadership program for young men in their junior-senior high school summer. Delegates learn the American electoral and political processes by forming city and county governments as well as a mystical 51st State government. Other activities include occupational workshops, guest speakers, competitive sports and a college fair. For more information concerning the Jersey Boys State program,
“A Week That Shapes the Future”, go to www.aljbs.org. If you are interested in helping to send young men to Boys State contact your local American Legion Post.
Bill Archer
American Legion Post 239
PHONE: 609-695-5418
EMAIL: information@njamericanlegion.org
ADDRESS: 171 Jersey Street, Bldg 5 second FL, Trenton, NJ 08611
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