American Legion Leadership College

We're pleased to announce the 67th Annual American Legion Leadership College at the National Guard Training Center, Sea Girt, New Jersey will be taking place on April 25th.

Applications are available below.

CHAIRMAN (Chancellor, Dean)

Joe Imperato

  Joe served in the US Navy from 1979-1991. Most of that time was in the Submarine Force as a Radioman. Joe became a Legionnaire 1n 1991 and transferred to his current Post in 1992 where he went through the chairs and became Commander in 1997. Joe became involved in the Passaic County level of the American Legion again going through the chairs to become the DEC in 1993, the year after he completed service as a Department Vice Commander. Joe is a Graduate (2012) of the National American Legion College and currently serves as the Dean of the NJ American Legion Leadership College.

Joe is a supporter of COTA and has been assumed the following Aliases…

Joe The Bartender

The Scorpion

And JOE, that will be $5 for COTA Imperato


Courses Offered

  1. Basic:
    The Basic Course of the NJ American Legion College will expose the students to the programs of the NJ Department including but not limited to Americanism, Baseball, Boy Scouts, Children and Youth, Constitution and By-Laws, Economics, Scholarships, Legislative, Oratorical, Public Relations, Sons of The American Legion, etc. Overviews of these subjects will be presented so the students are aware of their purposes and applicability. They will be provided with sufficient information including brochures, and other hand-outs., so they may refer back to that information to assist with the implementation and/or enhancement of those programs at their respective Posts and Counties.

    2. Advanced:
    The Advanced Course will build on the Trainees’ experience from the Basic Course where they were exposed to, the organization and structure of the American Legion, as well as its history, policies and Post operations. It will expand the trainees” knowledge in all Legion areas of ceremony, and history while exposing them beyond Post Operations, and introducing them into the Leadership of the County/District/Department.

    3. Club Management:
    In this course you will learn the fundamentals of the operation of your Post Canteen, Proper Procedures for Games of Chance, ABC Rules and Regulations, Bar Operations and IRS Form 990. This course is suggested for any member interested in becoming a bar or canteen chairman at their Post home and for those interested in learning the proper protocol for having Games of Chance at your Post Homes.

4. Post Service Officers Course
The Post Service Officer Course (PSO) creates the most vital initial link in a nationwide network of the American Legion service to America’s veterans and as such is an important course to attend. The course provides an extensive overview of regulations that governs a plethora of entitlements a veteran and their dependents may be entitled to. The course covers step by step instructions on how to complete the pertinent form(s) required and supporting evidence needed for each of the majority of claims the PSO will come across. In addition, the course covers the criteria and procedure for entrance into the VA Health Care System and services they provide.

Furthermore, receiving the certificate of training at the completion of the course adds value to the PSO as he/she is equipped with enough knowledge to readily assist veterans seeking help vs a PSO who has not attended the course. This also increases membership and raises retention at posts.

5. Chaplain's Course

6. Membership Course:
The goal of the Membership Course is to provide the student with a basic understanding of the membership function at the Post level and how it interfaces with the County, State and National Organizations. To help facilitate this understanding, topics covered will include, Membership Chairman Responsibilities and how it relates to the Adjutant’s Position when it comes to the Post Membership function. Also, the use of Computer Programs to help manage the Post Membership Function, in particular mylegion.org. Other topics to be covered are retention and revitalization, and renewal.

7. SAL Basic

8. SAL Advanced

NJ American Legion Leadership College logo


Dates: April 25th - 27th, 2025
Application will be mailed to Post.
Applications must be received at Department Headquarters by April 11, 2025. The deadline line for Substitutes is April 18th, 2025.

Additional forms are located here:



Post Management

Post Service Officer



SAL Basic

SAL Advanced

Wish List

We are looking for recommendations for upcoming in person and online webinar training sessions. A survey form will be available soon.

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