The Sons of the American Legion (SAL) is a program of The American Legion established to assist with programs and activities. The American Legion, The Sons of the American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary and the American Legion Riders form the "Legions Family."
The Sons of The American Legion works together with The American Legion to promote a wide variety of programs and assist in many activities, including Veterans programs (VAVS), VA home and hospital volunteering, Children & Youth programs, and fund-raising activities.
152 Squadrons (local SAL entities) are located at Legion Posts throughout the Department of New Jersey. You may join any of these Squadrons by contacting a local Post directly or requesting information via any of the methods described below.
You may join the Sons of The American Legion if you are:
1. A male descendant, adopted son, or stepson of a member of The American Legion.
2. A male descendant of a veteran who died in service during the American Legion eligibility periods.
3. A male descendant of a deceased veteran honorably discharged from service during the American Legion eligibility dates.
Please request complete membership information by contacting us via one of the following methods:
1. Phone:(609) 695-5418
2. Fax:(609) 394-1532
3. Write: The American Legion
Department of New Jersey
Bldg. #5, 2nd Floor
171 Jersey St.
Trenton, NJ 08611
4. Email:
Pictures from Detachment meeting 23Sep2023
PHONE: 609-695-5418
ADDRESS: 171 Jersey Street, Bldg 5 second FL, Trenton, NJ 08611
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