Department Convention Committee


It shall be the purpose of this committee to supervise and coordinate all activities, venues, and logistical requirements and changes to the agenda associated with the coduct of a Department Convention. To assign a Parade Chairman and an assistant from within, to aid with the implementation of proceedures supporting the effective conduct of all uniformed groups' contests at the Department Convention.

Parade Theme

Please be informed that the Department Convention Committee has approved the following PARADE/FLOAT Theme for the 2025 Department Convention:


Please share this information with interested Posts, Units, and Squadrons as soon as possible.

Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.


Joseph Gugliuzza


Joseph M. Gugliuzza has been a member of The American Legion for nearly 40 years. He originally joined Eatontown Post 325 in Monmouth County. As a member of that post, he served as Finance Officer and Historian for several years. He was elected Post Commander and held that position for eight years. He was then appointed Post Adjutant and served in that position until the Post turned in their Charter three years ago. He also served as the Post Oratorical Contest Chairman, Americanism Chairman and Safety Chairman.  He also served as Post Legislative Chairman

Joe was appointed as Monmouth County adjutant in 1997 and was elected County Third Vice Commander in that same year and then moved up the chairs.. Joe was elected Monmouth County Commander and served 1999-2000. In the county, Joe was appointed Legislative Chairman, a position he has held ever since.

In 2001, Joe was elected to the position of Department Executive Committeeman for Monmouth County.

He served in that capacity until 2005, when he was elected Department Commander.

In 2019, Joe transferred to Neptune Post 346, after the Charter for his former post was cancelled, where he remains a member today and has been appointed as Post Judge Advocate.

For the past eighteen years, Joe has served as the Department Legislative Chairman. He has also been a member of the National Legislative Commission, as well as Vice Chairman for the National Legislative Council. Joe was appointed Convention Chairman last year and has been a member of the Convention Committee for over 10 years.

Convention Schedule

Click here for the 2023 schedule!

The 2024 New Jersey American Legion State Convention will be 13-14June2024.

The 2024 New Jersey American Legion Convention Parade will be 15Jun2024.

More information to follow as available!

2023 Award Winners

Check back soon for the 2023 Convention Award Winners!

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