This committee shall cooperate with the National Sons of The American Legion program. It shall study and develop programs for constructive work by the Squadrons and shall promote and supervise contacts and contests (except Drum Corps Contests) between Squadrons as well as general plan programs of activities which will be of interest of Sons.
It shall see that every Post having a Squadron shall have proper supervison thereof and supervise Posts in the formation of Squadrons and guidance thereof.
Chairman - Anthony Gladden
Post 455
Military Service
5 July 1988 - Enlisted into the United States AirForce
Feb 1989- July 1991 Anderson Air Force BaseGuam
Sept 1991- August 1993 Whiteman Air Force BaseMissouri
August 1993- October 2009 McGuire Air Force Base, NewJersey
31 October 2009 - Retired from Active Duty after more than 21 years of
military service.
Civilian and Community
USAF Junior ROTC Instructor (Gold Badge Instructor) August 2010 – June2016
2015 Citizen of the Year Award Recipient from the New EgyptElks (not a member)
American Legion
McKaig-Test Mullen Post 455, New Egypt, NJ
Honorary Life Member
Current Post Adjutant
THREE-time Post Commander 2011-12, 2012-13,2013-14
Post Service Officer 2009-2011
2017-2018 Post 455 Legionnaire of theYear
Charter Member of the Post 455 American Legion Riders(ALR).
Post Committees
Chairman of the Post 455 Ways and Means Committee
Chairman of the Post 455 Constitution and By-laws Committee
2018-2022 Chairman of the Post 455 Canteen Committee (Currently on the
2013-2014 Post 455 Membership Chairman (Currently on thecommittee)
Americanism Committee
Children and YouthCommittee
Ocean County New Jersey, American Legion
3 Time County Commander 2016-17, 2017-18,2018-19
3 Time County Vice Commander 2013-14, 2014-15,2015-16
2018-2019 Ocean County Legionnaire of theYear
Ocean County Committees
Chairman of the Ocean County American Legion CollageCommittee
Chairman of the Ocean County Sons of the American LegionCommittee
Chairman of the Ocean County American Legion Riders Committee
Department of New Jersey
2023-2026 Department Executive Committeeman (Ocean County)
2021-2022 Department Vice Commander (Department Commander Dan
2021-2022 Department District #5 Commander
2018-2019 DepartmentHistorian (Department Commander Ray Miller)
Department Committees
Chairman of the Sons of the American LegionCommittee (Since 2019)
Liaison of the Department American Legion Riders Committee (Since
Vice President of the South Jersey Caucus (Since 2023)
New Jersey American Legion CollegeCommittee (Since 2017)
New Jersey American Legion College Advance Course Instructor (Since
New Jersey American Legion Moving Forward Ad-Hock Committee
(Since 2018)
New Jersey American Legion Riders Ad-Hock Committee (Since 2020)
Served on the New Jersey American Legion CentennialCommittee
National Convention Veterans Employment & Education Committee (Since
- Veterans Education, Other Benefits & Homelessness Subcommittee
Nation Media and Communication Committee Counsel (Since 2021)
2021 American Legion College Graduate
Member of The American Legion Historians Society (Since 2019)
Member of The American Legion Media Association (Since 2021)
Commander - Keith Barnes
More information coming soon!
"Proud possessor of a priceless heritage, we male descendants of veterans of all wars, associate ourselves together as "Sons of The American Legion" for the following purposes:
To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America; to maintain law and order; to foster and perpetuate a true spirit of Americanism; to preserve the memories of our former members and the association of our members and our forefathers in all wars; to inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the Community, State and Nation; to combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses; to make right the master of might; to promote peace and good will on earth; to safeguard and transmit to posterity, the principles of Justice, Freedom and Democracy, to consecrate and sanctify our friendship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness; to adopt in letter and spirit, all of the great principles for which the American Legion stands; and to assist in carrying on for God and Country."
More information coming soon!
More information coming soon!
PHONE: 609-695-5418
EMAIL: information@njamericanlegion.org
ADDRESS: 171 Jersey Street, Bldg 5 second FL, Trenton, NJ 08611
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