This committee shall make a study of the general program of services and rehabilitation and shall make such recommendations to the Department Executive Committee as may be proper in order that the Posts shall have a better understanding of services.
Also, this committee shall conduct inspections and make general observations, maintaining a continuing interest in all veterans' institutions to the end that these services and facilities shall be of a high standard, and shall survey hospital facilities of the State to take care of War Veterans.
It shall also act in a supervisory capacity to the Service Officers and Service Committees of The American Legion in the state, consider all matters as concern to Veterans' Housing, and education of veterans under Federal law.
This year has been an interesting year with the passage of the Pact Act. The processing of claims with the VA continues to be moving at a steady pace. The additional requests from veterans who fall under the newly enacted Pact Act have added to the caseload that is currently in the system. Under the Pact Act the VA is to hire additional staff to handle the increased request for benefits. Currently the VA is in the process of and continues to hire VA personnel to process claims. Keep in mind that all new employees have to undergo an extensive training period. So far, the request for benefits under the Pact Act is going well, and the claims are being processed.
Veterans’ appeals have continued to show improvement under the AMA. The VA is close to the 125 days to provide a decision in the AMA. The claims that are being submitted for issues under the Pact Act for disabilities that were previously denied are slowly coming in and are adding to the numbers already on appeal under the AMA.
The issue of veterans’ health care will always continue. The VA under the Pact Act is to provide additional health care facilities to help give adequate and timely health care to our veterans. Knowing that this is a big project, The American Legion will continue to maintain oversight of its progress.
On the mental health issue and suicide prevention, the VA is working on a large-scale suicide prevention program that would make emergency care available. Currently no further information is available.
The national organization also continues to monitor our elected officials in Washington to ensure that the proper funding is available to support the VA Health Care System.
I would like to thank the members of this committee for their dedication and work during this past year. Thank you to Commander Steven Fisher for his support and the endless hours that he has devoted to our veterans and for allowing this committee to serve this Department. Also thank you Ms. Judith L. Morales, Assistant Department Service Officer, Department Adjutant John Baker, and the entire Trenton office staff team.
PHONE: 609-695-5418
ADDRESS: 171 Jersey Street, Bldg 5 second FL, Trenton, NJ 08611
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